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Functional Mushrooms are not your typical mushrooms found in the grocery store; instead, they are a unique class of fungi celebrated for their extraordinary health benefits.

Functional mushrooms, also known as medicinal or adaptogenic mushrooms, have a long history in traditional medicine systems, particularly in Eastern cultures. What sets them apart are their bioactive compounds, carefully concentrated and made available through extraction processes (very much needed to make these compounds digestible and absorbed by us humans), notably polysaccharides and beta-glucans. These compounds are the key to their exceptional properties.

From immunomodulation to antioxidative capacity, these functional fungi offer a science-backed solution that surpasses the potential of the typical culinary mushrooms.

They have an adaptogenic profile, which comprises a set of natural substances that have the ability to help our bodies adapt and thrive in the face of stressors. Adaptogens are powerful helpers in promoting balance and well-being influencing homeostasis (check more on the article below).


Functional mushrooms interact with cellular function and elicit a synergistic effect across various bodily systems. Their bioactive compounds modulate cellular processes, promoting harmony and collaboration among different physiological systems.


Yet, there's more to them than meets the eye. These mushrooms are believed to embody a potent energy that flows from the very core of the Earth through the intricate mycelium network that supports their existence. It's a stream of healing energy and connectedness that has been cherished for centuries.  These concentrated extracts are poised to revolutionize the realm of health and wellness.



Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) 

Chaga is a type of mushroom that grows predominantly on birch trees in cold climates, such as Northen Europe, Siberia, Canada, and parts of the Northern United States. 

It is known for its unique characteristics and bioactive compounds that have garnered interest in the world of health and wellness. 

Here are some of the key characteristics and compounds of interest in Chaga:

  1. Appearance: Chaga has a distinctive appearance, resembling a dark, woody growth or conk on the bark of birch trees. It typically has a black and charcoal-like exterior with a reddish-brown interior.
  2. Nutrient-Rich: Chaga is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins (B-complex vitamins, vitamin D), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron), and dietary fiber.
  3. Bioactive Compounds: The bioactive compounds found in Chaga are of particular interest:
  • Polysaccharides: Chaga contains polysaccharides, such as beta-glucans, which are known for their immune-boosting properties.
  • Antioxidants: Chaga is rich in antioxidants, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps combat oxidative stress and reduce free radical damage in the body.
  • Betulinic Acid: This compound is derived from the birch tree that Chaga often grows on. Growing research indicates potential anticancer and antiviral properties.
  • Melanin: Chaga contains melanin, a pigment with potential benefits for skin health and protection from UV radiation.
  • Triterpenoids: These compounds are responsible for some of Chaga's anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects.
  1. Adaptogenic Properties: Chaga is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. It can help regulate the stress response, reducing the negative effects of chronic stress on the body.
  2. Immune Support: Chaga's beta-glucans and other immune-modulating compounds can enhance the immune system's response to infections and diseases.
  3. Anti-Inflammatory: Chaga has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in various parts of the body and alleviate associated discomfort.
  4. Antiviral and Antimicrobial: Some research suggests that Chaga may possess antiviral and antimicrobial properties, which could make it beneficial for preventing or treating infections.
  5. Anticancer Potential: While more research is needed, certain compounds in Chaga, such as betulinic acid, have shown promise in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in laboratory studies.
  6. Blood Sugar Regulation: Some animal studies have suggested that Chaga may have a hypoglycemic (blood sugar-lowering) effect. This is believed to be due, in part, to its beta-glucan content, which can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.
  7. Cholesterol Management: Chaga contains compounds called triterpenoids, which may have cholesterol-lowering properties. These compounds can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive system and reduce the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver. Some studies on animals have indicated that Chaga extract may lower levels of LDL cholesterol (often referred to as "bad" cholesterol) and total cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol (considered "good" cholesterol).

⚠ Chaga mushrooms are safe for the majority of people but since they are high in oxalates, this can increase the risk of kidney stones. Those who have kidney disease, a prior history of kidney stones, or who are at risk of kidney stones should avoid taking chaga. To prevent complications, speak to your doctor before using an herbal supplement.

🧪 check below for some scientific backup:

Chaga and Inflammation   1

Chaga and Blood Sugar  2

Chaga and Colesterol 3

Chaga and Cancer tumors 4



Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)

Lion's Mane mushroom is a unique and highly regarded medicinal mushroom known for its distinctive appearance and potential health benefits. 

Here are the key characteristics, compounds of interest, and their potential effects:

  1. Appearance: Lion's Mane mushrooms are easily recognizable due to their cascading, long, white, or cream-colored spines that resemble a lion's mane, which gives them their name.
  2. Habitat: They are typically found growing on hardwood trees, particularly oak, maple, and beech trees. However, they can also be cultivated indoors.
  3. Nutrient-Rich: Lion's Mane is a rich source of essential nutrients, including protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (such as B vitamins), and minerals (like potassium and zinc).
  4. Palatable: Lion's Mane mushrooms are prized for their culinary value. They have a mild, seafood-like flavor and a delicate, tender texture when cooked fresh.

Bioactive Compounds:

  1. Hericenones and Erinacines: These are unique compounds found in Lion's Mane and are thought to have neuroprotective effects. They may stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF), a protein that supports the growth, maintenance, and repair of nerve cells.
  2. Polysaccharides: Lion's Mane contains polysaccharides, including beta-glucans, which have immune-modulating properties and are associated with immune system support.
  3. Antioxidants: Like other mushrooms, Lion's Mane contains antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the damage caused by free radicals.

Potential Health Benefits:

Brain Health and Cognitive Function:

  • Lion's Mane has gained attention for its potential to support brain health. Some studies suggest that its compounds may promote nerve growth factor (NGF) production, which is crucial for the growth, maintenance, and repair of nerve cells.
  • Research indicates that Lion's Mane may have cognitive benefits, potentially enhancing memory and cognitive function. It may be useful in age-related cognitive decline or neurodegenerative conditions.

Nervous System Support:

  • Due to its potential to stimulate nerve cell growth, Lion's Mane is being investigated for its role in supporting the nervous system. It may have applications in conditions like multiple sclerosis and peripheral neuropathy.

Immune Support:

  • The beta-glucans found in Lion's Mane have immune-modulating properties. They can help enhance the body's immune response to infections and diseases.

Digestive Health:

  • Some studies suggest that Lion's Mane may support digestive health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and reducing inflammation in the gut.
  1. Antioxidant Properties:
  • Like other mushrooms, Lion's Mane contains antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the damage caused by free radicals.


Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi, is a medicinal mushroom with a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and other traditional healing systems. It is highly regarded for its potential health benefits. 

Here are the key characteristics, compounds of interest, and their potential effects:

Characteristics of Reishi Mushroom:

  1. Distinct Appearance: Reishi mushrooms have a distinctive and unique appearance. They are usually reddish-brown or dark orange, with a shiny, varnished cap that resembles a lacquered surface. The cap has a kidney or fan-like shape, and the underside is typically white.
  2. Habitat: Reishi mushrooms are often found growing on hardwood trees, particularly oak. However, they can also be cultivated indoors.
  3. Long History: Reishi mushrooms have a long history of use in traditional medicine, particularly in China, Japan, and other parts of Asia. They are often referred to as the "Mushroom of Immortality" because of ancient Chinese use as a tonic for many infections and diseases.

Compounds of Interest in Reishi:

Reishi mushrooms are rich in bioactive compounds, some of which are believed to contribute to their potential health benefits:

  1. Polysaccharides: Reishi contains polysaccharides, including beta-glucans, which have immune-modulating properties and are associated with immune system support.
  2. Triterpenoids: These compounds are responsible for many of Reishi's potential health effects. Research has been showing that they have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Some triterpenoids found in Reishi are ganoderic acids and lucidenic acids.
  3. Ganoderma Lucidum Peptides (GLPs): GLPs are small protein-like molecules found in Reishi and are associated with various health benefits, including immune system modulation and potential anticancer effects.
  4. Ganoderma Polysaccharide Peptide (GPP): GPP is a compound found in Reishi that has been studied for its immune-enhancing properties.

Potential Health Benefits:

Reishi mushrooms are known for their potential health benefits, although more research is needed to confirm some of these effects:

  1. Immune Support: Reishi's beta-glucans and other compounds are believed to enhance the body's immune response, making it potentially useful for supporting the immune system and fighting infections.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Reishi contains triterpenoids that have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Antioxidant Activity: The triterpenoids and other compounds in Reishi mushrooms have antioxidant properties, helping protect cells from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
  4. Stress Reduction: Reishi is considered a potent adaptogen, which means it may help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance in various systems, including the hormonal and immune systems.
  5. Cancer Support: Some studies have suggested that Reishi's triterpenoids may have anticancer effects and could potentially inhibit the growth of cancer cells. However, more research is needed in this area.
  6. Liver Health: Reishi has been studied for its potential to support liver health and may be beneficial for individuals with liver conditions.

🧪 check scientific backup on how Reishi reduces fatigue and increases well-being in 8 weeks 6

While the potential health benefits of Mushrooms are intriguing, it's important to note that more research is needed to fully understand its effects and mechanisms of action. 

As with any dietary supplement, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating functional mushrooms if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. Functional Mushrooms should be seen as a complementary approach to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


EU Grown Mushrooms

Our fungi strains are carefully selected to grow VeryChaga Mushrooms Extracts which yield the greatest amounts of the compounds of interest. The fungi is inoculated in a wild Birch trees Forest for Chaga and for Reishi and Lion’s Mane on the most suitable birch sawdust substrate all planted and sourced from clean Finnish FSC certified forests.

We only use Fruting Bodies for Lion’s Mane and Reishi and Sclerotium for Chaga, no mycelium is used as it could lead to a more starchy extract. No Grains, no fillers. NON GMO. Organic Certified.



Sustainably Sourced

Our mushrooms are sustainably sourced, meaning they are harvested in a way that preserves the natural ecosystem, reduces waste, and promotes long-term ecological balance.



Certified GMP Facility

We adhere to strict quality control standards and procedures to ensure the safety, purity, and consistency of our mushroom extracts, which are produced in a facility with FSSC 22000 certification.



3rd Party Quality Tested 

Samples are sent to a 3rd party laboratory for bioactive compound levels as well as microbiological and heavy metal testing.



Higher Bioavailability

The application of ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) allows groundbreaking benefits in optimizing the bioavailability of mushroom extracts. We use purified spring water and hot alcohol in conjunction with ultrasonic cavitation to obtain high yields of bioavailable compounds. Each fungi have a different, unique, and proprietary method of extraction as the compounds of interest are different. Our extraction process ensures that the compounds of interest are more bioavailable so you can experiment the results faster.


Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not happy with your VeryChaga Mushroom extract for any reason counting 60 days from the day you receive your product
you can return it for a full refund even though we believe that due to the exceptional quality of our products you will experience noticeable and satisfying results.


An important notion to people that take adaptogens, helping us understand the unique role of mushrooms in our bodies. 


Homeostasis is the body's innate ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes. It's like an internal thermostat that keeps various physiological parameters such as temperature, blood pressure, and blood sugar within a narrow, optimal range. This balance is crucial for the body's optimal functioning and overall health.


Walter Cannon, a distinguished professor at Harvard University, created the oft-utilized term 'homeostasis'. This occurred in his 1932 magnum opus, 'The Wisdom of the Body.' The term itself is a blend of two Greek words, 'homoios,' signifying 'similar,' and 'stasis,' denoting 'position.'

Cannon's groundbreaking research on animals revealed a fascinating connection. 

He observed that any emotional shift in an animal's state, be it anxiety, distress, or anger, was accompanied by a complete halt in stomach movements. These insightful investigations delved into the intricate interplay between emotions and perceptions on the autonomic nervous system. In other words, they initiated an understanding of the sympathetic and parasympathetic responses that kickstart the recognition of fight, flight, or freeze reactions.

Functional mushrooms have gained recognition for their potential to support and enhance homeostasis in the human body. These remarkable fungi contain bioactive compounds, including beta-glucans, polysaccharides, and adaptogens, which can have a profound impact on various bodily systems. Here's how they're connected:

Functional mushrooms can assist in maintaining homeostasis by fine-tuning various physiological processes. They do this through their impact on immune function, stress response, inflammation, and more. 

By incorporating these mushrooms into your supplements, you're offering a holistic approach to well-being that goes beyond providing a mere product. You're providing a means to support the body's natural equilibrium, enhancing its ability to adapt to the challenges of modern life.

Let's delve into the scientific mechanisms by which herbs and mushrooms, including adaptogens, help maintain homeostasis:

Stress Response Regulation:

  • Adaptogens like functional mushrooms help regulate the body's stress response. They interact with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a key part of the body's stress response system.
  • By modulating this axis, adaptogens can help prevent excessive release of stress hormones like cortisol, ensuring the body doesn't overreact to stressors.

Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System:

  • Adaptogens have a balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily functions.
  • They can help shift the body from the "fight or flight" sympathetic mode to the "rest and digest" parasympathetic mode when needed, promoting overall balance.

Cellular Protection and Antioxidant Activity:

  • Many adaptogens, including certain mushrooms, have potent antioxidant properties. They help protect cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.
  • This antioxidant action contributes to cellular health and, consequently, homeostasis.

Enhanced Immune Function:

  • Some functional mushrooms, which are adaptogens, improve immune function by modulating the immune response. They help the immune system respond effectively without causing excessive inflammation.
  • This balance supports the body's ability to ward off infections while maintaining overall health.

Hormonal Balance:

  • Adaptogens can influence the balance of hormones like adrenaline, noradrenaline, and insulin. This impact helps stabilize various bodily functions, including blood sugar and metabolic processes.

Enhanced Cellular Energy Production:

  • Certain adaptogens, like Cordyceps, boost cellular energy production by enhancing the body's utilization of oxygen.
  • This can contribute to physical and mental well-being, promoting overall balance and homeostasis.
Neurotransmitter Modulation:
  • Adaptogens can affect neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. This can lead to improved mood and cognitive function, promoting emotional and mental balance.

It's important to note that the mechanisms by which adaptogens work can vary depending on the specific herb or mushroom. Each adaptogen may have a unique set of actions in the body. Nevertheless, the common thread among them is their ability to help the body adapt to stressors and maintain equilibrium, thereby promoting homeostasis. Find those that your body needs the most by understanding your symptoms.

In this way, functional mushrooms become an integral part of a holistic approach to health, complementing the body's natural mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis. 


Let's discuss the importance of maintaining the process of inflammation and oxidation as part of normal cell function while also balancing excessive free radicals. 

This underscores the significance of having a supplement that helps modulate necessary oxidation and not ‘reducing this process excessively’, with functional mushrooms being a perfect choice for this purpose.

Balancing Inflammation and Oxidation:

  1. Normal Cellular Function: Inflammation and oxidation are not inherently harmful processes. In fact, they are essential for normal cellular function. Inflammation is part of the body's defense mechanism against pathogens, and oxidation, or oxidative stress, is involved in energy production and cell signaling.
  2. Cell Signaling: Inflammation and oxidation play a vital role in cell signaling. They are involved in processes like apoptosis (programmed cell death), which is crucial for tissue remodeling and maintenance. So, we do need to keep inflammation to occur!
  3. Immune Response: Inflammation is a key component of the immune response. When balanced, it helps the body fight infections and heal wounds.
  4. Cellular Energy Production: Oxidative stress is involved in mitochondrial energy production. Balanced oxidation is necessary for efficient energy generation in the body.

The Role of (Oxidation) Modulation:

  1. Avoiding Excessive Suppression: Taking an excessive amount of antioxidants can potentially suppress both inflammation and oxidation. While this may seem beneficial, it can hinder necessary cellular processes.
  2. Regulation vs. Overwhelming: Functional mushrooms, with their adaptogenic and antioxidant properties, offer a more balanced approach. They help regulate these processes rather than overwhelming them with an abundance of antioxidants.
  3. Targeted Regulation: Functional mushrooms are adept at modulating inflammation and oxidation as needed. They don't just provide a one-size-fits-all solution but adapt to the body's requirements.
  4. Preventing Overcompensation: Excessive antioxidant intake can lead to a phenomenon called "overcompensation," where the body reduces its own production of antioxidants, potentially leaving it more vulnerable to oxidative stress.

The ADVANTAGE of Functional Mushrooms vs other antioxidants:

Functional mushrooms excel in this regard because they possess a unique combination of compounds, such as polysaccharides and adaptogens, that can regulate oxidative stress and inflammation without merely flooding the body with antioxidants. This targeted modulation allows for the maintenance of normal cellular function while preventing the harmful effects of excessive oxidation.

The debate around antioxidants for anti-aging has evolved over the years, and here's a summary of recent discussions if you want to delve further:

Limited Efficacy of Antioxidants Alone: Many researchers and experts now emphasize that relying solely on antioxidants for anti-aging may have limitations. The initial excitement about antioxidants' ability to combat free radicals and slow down the aging process has given way to a more nuanced understanding.

Role of Free Radicals: Free radicals, which antioxidants are designed to neutralize, are indeed linked to aging and age-related diseases. However, it's become clear that aging is a complex process influenced by various factors, including genetics but mainly lifestyle, and environmental exposures.

Holistic Approach: The trend in anti-aging discussions is shifting towards a holistic approach. This means considering not only antioxidants but also factors like diet, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle choices. Experts suggest that a multifaceted approach is more effective in combating aging than relying solely on one element.

Adaptogens and Stress: Adaptogens like chaga mushroom have gained attention for their ability to help the body adapt to stress. Stress is a significant contributor to premature aging, and adaptogens are seen as valuable in mitigating its effects.

Combining Approaches: Some experts advocate for combining antioxidants with other strategies, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. This comprehensive approach addresses the broader spectrum of aging-related issues.

Personalization: There's increasing recognition that anti-aging strategies should be personalized. What works for one person may not work as effectively for another due to individual genetics and lifestyle factors.

Scientific Research: Recent studies are delving into the synergy between antioxidants, adaptogens, and other bioactive compounds found in natural sources. This research aims to better understand how these elements work together to support healthy aging.

In summary, the current discussion on antioxidants for anti-aging emphasizes a shift from a singular focus on antioxidants to a more comprehensive, holistic approach. This approach takes into account various factors, including adaptogens like chaga mushrooms, stress management, and lifestyle choices as a very good start to see results.



Our thoughts and intentions hold the potential to transform the intricate chemistry and reactions of our bodies. 


They can promote harmony within our own physiology. 

They can change your own gene expression.

They can change external events, after they change us.


“Our minds aren’t passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality”

Dr Alia Crum - Assistant professor of psychology and director of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab, Stanford University.


Let’s be aware of the incredible power we wield to bring about change, not just in ourselves, but in the broader world of matter and energy.

Healing the Core is exactly that, this is the challenge we suggest you take on, so you can empower yourself with your innate resources and understand that if you don’t move forward as you’d wish, probably you have a scratch, a wound, inside of you, dragging you, detouring your attention, so if you harness your thoughts, your inner power, you will heal from the core. 

Because when we feel unattached, we completely break free, we surrender, we are in the present, we can then feel the healing and the aliveness happening in our sensory system, it is ‘exponentially possible’. 


We are so strong and determined by nature that we usually just keep going 'crippled and all' by the streets of life… well… a better sensation awaits, you are not a spectator, you are the best and faster resource to change your state.


Look inwards, feel it, scan it, process it and make a shift with your intention, you don’t need to think much, you just need to tell yourself you are not your thoughts, you are you and you can actually just change your internal speech even if it seems stupid and inappropriate to your current perception of the reality, repeat it, embrace that you HAVE THE POWER. Repeat it.

Heal from the Core.






This is a tool to speed the internal energy shift. It's function is to give you an extra boost, a fast track, uniting some mind shaping hacks in one.

We’ve synchronized to the pure healing command that exists in each of the mushrooms’ extracts, we’ve created a subliminal recording paired with binaural beats at a specific brain frequency.


  • Subliminal Recording is a sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception, in this case is a guided instruction of how the mushroom can heal your body. You won’t hear the subliminal recording of the 51 affirmations within your audible awareness, so you won’t hear the instructions! This subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite your unawareness. The audio is programmed to bypass the conscious mind.
To learn more about Subliminal Messaging check this scientific experiment  1


  • Binaural Beats are a perception of sound created by your brain. If you listen to two tones, each at a different frequency and each in a different ear, your brain creates an additional tone you can hear.
   This third tone is called a binaural beat. The binaural beat is considered to     enhance brain entrainment (enhanced synchronization of the brainwave       activity). 
To learn more about Binaural Beats check this video by 2
To learn more about Binaural Beats effectiveness check this study 3


  • 5 Center Brain Frequency Bands (beta, alpha, theta, delta & gamma) are different ranges of electrical activity produced by the human brain, measured in Hertz (Hz), typically detected through an electroencephalography (EEG). There's a correlation of these frequency bands with various mental states and activities. Our approach revolves around activating our INNER POWER by harnessing its remarkable diverse potential. Thus, we apply frequencies associated with specific electrical activities in the body where we anticipate mushrooms will have an impact.


CHAGA GATEWAY (on your Chaga extract pack)

Alpha Waves (8-13 Hz) accelerate healing of tissues and organs, when you're in a physically and mentally relaxed state. 


REISHI GATEWAY (on your Reishi extract pack)

Theta Waves (4-8 Hz) relieves pain and stress, when you're in a low conscious/’daydreamer’ state, task disengagement state.


LIONS MANE GATEWAY (on your Lion's Mane extract pack)

Beta Waves (14-30 Hz) induces concentration and focus, when you're in an alert state, thinking, determined.


How to use it?

  1. Listen to the INNER POWER ACTIVATION GATEWAY through the QR code on your Mushroom Extract Pack, for 15 minutes a day, preferably after consuming your Mushroom extract, to catalyze a potent healing energy, enhanced by the profound connection between our bodies and mushrooms.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing and just relax tell yourself you want to be in the ‘here and now’, more you let your thoughts go, more effective the recordings will be.
  3. Let your body integrate the messages, try not to judge.


Is this too woo woo for you? 


The power of subliminal messages is real, consider what the biggest fast consumer brands have done for many years intentionally, or the beliefs that were passed into us. Why not program yourself with what you actually want and need?


We will say it again… We are not spectators in our lives.


This approach draws inspiration from figures like doctors Alia Crum, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Tara Swart, Deepak Chopra and many others advocating for what we can actually call, is the ‘Placebo Effect’.

They all recommend healing from the inside, using mind-body relation through meditation, knowing it will influence upcoming events in matter related to our magnetic field.


👉🏼 You will find these short Inner Power Activation Gateways on each pack of VeryChaga’s Mushroom Extracts through a QR code. 

We have carefully crafted these recordings gathering a set of propelling technics for your energy to become more effective when your intention is to heal. It could be wrinkles on your face, it could be trauma or a sense of unbalance. Go for it.

There’s a gateway for each mushroom, so you will have Chaga Gateway, Reishi Gateway and Lion’s Mane Gateway.

They are not just about how the mushroom interacts inside our bodies but most of all about the specific system we need to focus on.


  • Chaga – Vitality
  • Lion’s Mane – Clear Mind
  • Reishi – Grounding 


We invite you to practice this ritual, just by starting being conscious of your intention when you do something to your body.


Welcome to VeryChaga, Heal from the Core.


Let's delve a bit deeper into the science behind Lion's Mane mushroom and its potential to promote nerve growth factor (NGF).


Lion's Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) has garnered attention for its unique ability to stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF), a critical protein involved in the growth, maintenance, and repair of nerve cells. 

👉🏼 The mechanism behind this remarkable property is of great interest to researchers.

  1. Erinacines and Hericenones: Lion's Mane mushrooms contain specific compounds known as erinacines and hericenones, which are believed to be responsible for the promotion of NGF. These compounds have been identified and isolated from Lion's Mane extracts.
  2. Stimulation of NGF Synthesis: Scientific studies have shown that erinacines and hericenones have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, which is a protective barrier that separates the bloodstream from the brain. Once inside the brain, these compounds can stimulate the synthesis of NGF.
  3. NGF's Role in Nerve Health: NGF plays a pivotal role in the growth, survival, and maintenance of neurons (nerve cells). It promotes the development of dendrites and axons, which are extensions of nerve cells that transmit signals. NGF also supports the survival of nerve cells by preventing cell death (apoptosis).


Given its ability to stimulate NGF production, Lion's Mane has been investigated for its potential applications in various neurological and cognitive conditions. Research suggests that it may have neuroprotective effects and could be useful in addressing neurodegenerative diseases, cognitive decline, and peripheral nerve disorders.



It's important to note that while the science behind Lion's Mane's promotion of NGF is intriguing, more research is needed to fully understand its effects in humans and its potential clinical applications. As such, Lion's Mane is often viewed as a promising avenue for future research in neurology and cognitive health.

🧪 check scientific backup here 5


 While the potential health benefits of Mushrooms are intriguing, it's important to note that more research is needed to fully understand its effects and mechanisms of action. 

As with any dietary supplement, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating functional mushrooms if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. Functional Mushrooms should be seen as a complementary approach to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.